“You have to decide if my voice is a voice that will, that resonates to you. If it is, I want you to listen closely, and then I want you to put action into it today” “Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology – Don’t …
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“From Genesis to Revelation, we will never see any other example, that GOD uses to give a metaphor of the relationship between Christ and the Church, other than, a man and his wife… Our marriage is pretty important to GOD… Communication means communing. There’s a communal place. There’s an intercoursing place. There’s an inter active …
“How we use our words… How forceful are right words. Well, the opposite is just as true. How forceful are wrong words. Why? ’cause you’re a speaking spirit… You can never go past, the words that you say… We sometimes forget that words are alive, and if we’re not moving according to the words that …
“We’re being tested right now, to find out what’s in us. To see if we’re gonna be willing to stand, and truly, be kingdom citizens”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology – Whatever the cost Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TVhttps://www.facebook.com/Loveunity1960/videos/617131530342703 Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/P7HoIFHoHgIBroadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/973 Podcast on Anchorhttps://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/qknQGsvYSzb Podcast. COMMUNION On Podiumhttps://communion.onpodium.co/episodes/still-telling-it-like-it-is-with-apostle-bacer-j-baker-who-is-a-doctor-in-psychology-whatever-the-cost-584 To learn about the kingdom of GOD, please watch this playlist …
“The Kingdom Culture does not change”
“Our reliance has to be on one Master or the other… The Kingdom Culture does not change… There is a way to walk in the kingdom of GOD… The culture does not change. The words do not change… You change the words, you change the picture… We are to be so Heavenly minded… that we …
“Seeking first the kingdom of GOD”
“The life of the Spirit…and in the life of the Spirit, there is no toil, there is no labor, there is no struggle, there is no perspiration… because you’re living now from life in the Spirit, and ain’t no effort. Stuff is just flowin’ from the heart of The Father. Things are just flowing to …
“Do we really understand what we’re talking about, when we’re talking about the kingdom of GOD?”
“I want you to blast this! Everybody. I want you to blast it to those that are friends, those that are enemies, those that are of Christ, those that are not. I want you, to be unselfish. I want you to stretch yourself, and share this with those, Because What needs to be done, we …
American Confidence in Elections: Protecting Political Speech
Please watch Harmeet Dhillon’s testimony today5 minutes of truth https://mail.libertycenter.org/rd/9z4znonv6to7c0q8l7cv3e9f7ui14nncjumsic96ik8_rp22sh2s8i6eo34s5jm0oj24no
Thank you America’s Frontline Doctors
Hold Fauci Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity! It is time for Congress to hold Dr. Tony Fauci responsible for crimes against humanity for the following reasons… ● Dr. Tony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Health, is responsible for authorizing and initiating the Covid-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization (EUA), vaccines that have …
“If Christ is all of this, then His body should be as powerful and as strong as He is”
“I do this so that I can help you to achieve what it is that you need to achieve in life. We need to realize that Jesus came for something larger than just gettin’ us saved so that we can go to Heaven. I am so interested in impacting those that have never truly heard …