“GOD wanted a human family. Adam was a created son. Jesus was the only begotten son. He came to restore our sonship…He willingly was buried, planted, dead. But a seed within itself was the power of reproduction… The Son seed”

“GOD wanted a human family; and He wanted a being, that was in His image and in His likeness, that He could fellowship with… You can only have fellowship with those that are like you… So GOD had to create one that was like Him, and He called him His son.

So that when we look at man from the very, very beginning, man was created as a son of GOD. The law of Genesis tells us that, everything produces after it’s own kind. And the law of Genesis also tells us that as long as the Earth remains, there will be seed, time, and harvest.

Now GOD so believes that everything produces after it’s own kind, and He so believes in seed, time and harvest, and that what you sow, you will reap; and the power of the seed, has within it, the power to reproduce… GOD so believed in seed, time, and harvest that He sowed the only begotten Son, so that He might reap a harvest of many sons, brought into glory…

The Son seed, was being sown, into the ground, dead, and buried, but would be resurrected, and come back in life, and bring many sons to glory… And now we’ve been adopted by the Spirit of Adoption whereby in our hearts we cry Abba, Father. And so the whole thing of the word of GOD is about a Heavenly Father and Earthly sons that are part of His family”

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – Sonship. Part 1

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/go3KrdeLdl/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/TJVxvUmCiao
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/873
Podcast on Anchor. https://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Really-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-with-Apostle-Bacer-J–Baker-who-is-a-Doctor-in-Psychology–and-her-special-guest-Apostle-Michael-Fram—Sonship–Part-1-e1pokur
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium. https://communion.onpodium.com/episodes/really-telling-it-like-it-is-with-apostle-bacer-j-baker-who-is-a-doctor-in-psychology-and-her-special-guest-apostle-michael-fram-sonship-part-1-344

To contact Apostle Michael Fram

Living Faith Ministries International

Prophetic Destiny Ministries International

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

“The Highest Wave Frequency Sound That You’re Ever Going To Hear Is What Ever GOD Has Said”

Kingdom 101: Relationships – A Bible Study with Pastor Lonzine Lee and her special guest, Pastor Michele Hanson of Out of Zion Ministry. The Frequency of Words

Original Broadcast on Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship (MTEMINC). https://fb.watch/gpHKx02oaY/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/fHxuNgY8YTs
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/875

Podcast on Anchor. https://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Kingdom-101-Relationships—Pastor-Lonzine-Lee-and-guest-Pastor-Michele-Hanson-of-Out-of-Zion-Ministry–The-Highest-Wave-Frequency-Sound-That-Youre-Ever-Going-To-Hear-Is-What-Ever-GOD-Has-Said-e1pqqjo

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium. https://communion.onpodium.com/episodes/kingdom-101-relationships-pastor-lonzine-lee-and-guest-pastor-michele-hanson-of-out-of-zion-ministry-the-highest-wave-frequency-sound-that-youre-ever-going-to-hear-is-what-ever-god-has-said-699

Out of Zion Ministry


To watch the Divinely Designed: 21st Century Women about changing the atmosphere
Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/8ohH_fYLq1w

Quantum Faith® by Annette Capps

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
(408) 945-4439: O
P.O. Box 1412
Manteca, CA
95337 USA

To Give.

Online. https://astoundinglove.org/online-donations/
Using Zelle. Offerings@AstoundingLove.org
Using Cash App. $ALMTEM
Using Venmo. @AstLove

We thank you

“the new wine is found in a cluster”

“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 10

“We’re here to provoke you to think… about how you think about the word of GOD, how you think about women in ministry, how you think about different things… Let’s keep it simple. Let’s believe the way the New Testament relates it when it talks about men and women, and their interaction, and that we’re as one… in Christ… We’re not judged by our genders anymore… It’s based on functionary aspects… The value of team ministry, the synergy of team ministry… whether you’re male, female… we’ve got to then link together… we can’t have these separate things… the new wine, of course; is found in the cluster… In working together, the new wine is found in a cluster, it’s not to be found in one single grape… it’s found in a cluster… The blessing… is in a cluster… this is something GOD’s trying to do. The whole New Testament revelation was about these people working together and this synergy coming up between the different people… This healthy group of people that are working tightly together… there’s a blessing inside of the cluster”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/gpobAtZb6i/
Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/GVZS2kCDdXI
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/874
Podcast on Anchor. https://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Still-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-Apostle-Dr–Bacer-J–Baker-with-her-guest-Apostle-Dr–Barry-Cook-the-new-wine-is-found-in-a-cluster—Historical-Evidences-of-Women-in-Leadership-Positions—Part-10-e1pqdma
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium. https://communion.onpodium.com/episodes/still-telling-it-like-it-is-apostle-dr-bacer-j-baker-with-her-guest-apostle-dr-barry-cook-the-new-wine-is-found-in-a-cluster-historical-evidences-of-women-in-leadership-positions-part-10-246

To study all of the broadcasts for Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions Part 1 through Part 10 please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMDmsM9v1qHdbUB029xxcrk

To study all of the broadcasts for Co-Jointly Ruling Part 1 through Part 6
please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMeQVLoDpjaCcFFW_FMJFWM

To learn about Love & Unity. https://www.love-unity.org

To send questions to Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit. https://www.drbarrycook.com

To send questions to Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
By using Zelle.  Offerings@MTEMinc.org
By using the Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

We thank you

“GOD wanted a human family… So GOD had to create one that was like Him, and He called him His son.”

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – Sonship. Part 1

“Not only was Adam created in the image and the likeness of GOD, but Adam was created as a human son of GOD. Adam was created to have fellowship with GOD, because GOD wanted a human family; and He wanted a being, that was in His image and in His likeness, that He could fellowship with… You can only fellowship with one that is, like you… This is one reason why believers and unbelievers can’t fellowship; because they’re not alike… You can only have fellowship with those that are like you… So GOD had to create one that was like Him, and He called him His son. So that when we look at man from the very, very beginning, man was created as a son of GOD.”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/go3KrdeLdl/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/TJVxvUmCiao
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/873
Podcast on Anchor. https://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Really-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-with-Apostle-Bacer-J–Baker-who-is-a-Doctor-in-Psychology–and-her-special-guest-Apostle-Michael-Fram—Sonship–Part-1-e1pokur
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium. https://communion.onpodium.com/episodes/really-telling-it-like-it-is-with-apostle-bacer-j-baker-who-is-a-doctor-in-psychology-and-her-special-guest-apostle-michael-fram-sonship-part-1-344

Please watch Apostle Michael Fram during the Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence – He honored his father and his mother and spoke to us about Kingdom Transformation. Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/Fvl7gJpMwtk

To learn about Love & Unity. https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Michael Fram

Living Faith Ministries International

Prophetic Destiny Ministries International

MATURING THE SONS OF GOD… Apostle Michael Fram on Love & Unity TV Network – Wednesday 5:30PM EST/ 2:30PM PST

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

By Mail
Send Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you

“Listen to me clearly, by the Spirit of GOD, listen to me; we have played with this long enough, THE ONLY REASON YOU’RE HERE; IS TO MANIFEST THE LIFE OF THE SON”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out. Part 25

“If THE PATTERN’s been given, and you see it’s not being followed, it should concerned you… The Church has become man, a man idea, rather than GOD’s original design… a multiplicity of dimensions of GOD would be scattered throughout the Earth, because of this one man’s life, that He had given him; and the man was in two components, male and female. He made He them to have dominion over the works of His hands… This is the only One that can do these things that GOD’s asked to be done in the Earth, it must be done through The Son… GOD will not lift the burden of corruption off of creation, until the sons of GOD manifest… Listen to me clearly, by the Spirit of GOD, listen to me; we have played with this long enough, THE ONLY REASON YOU’RE HERE; IS TO MANIFEST THE LIFE OF THE SON”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/gmLp-zcGVB/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/X08-w84KPZY

Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/872

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To study every broadcast of “Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out, a Playlist has been created on YouTube. The Tabernacle Being Lived Out with Apostle Calvin Cook – THE PLAYLIST. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVPh4qs5a_V3DZ9CS5q1WKZi

To learn about Love & Unity. https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

By Mail
Send Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you

Smile, Laugh, and Be Happy: The Culture of God’s Kingdom Is The King’s Will For You

by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker (Author), Lonzine Lee (Contributor)

Ready To Be Happy?

Did you ever stop to think that a laughter-filled life is the King’s will for you? Imagine living every day in manifested joy and happiness, exercising supernatural authority over sadness, worry, anxiety, and even oppression as you experience one Holy Spirit-led victory after another. Well, that’s the culture of God’s Kingdom. A merry heart does your body good and releases supernatural power to live a powerful, joy-filled life from within. It also changes the atmosphere of the people around you.

This book is about the victorious freedom that The Lord Jesus has provided for you. It is filled with Kingdom keys, exhortations, scriptural insights, a few happy songs with familiar melodies, and a number of “happy facts” and “happy declarations” that you can easily incorporate into your daily life.

Everything that you need has already been provided for you through Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. Because He did it all, you don’t have to worry.

Believe it. God wants you to Smile, Laugh and Be Happy.

Dominion Unlimited. https://dominionunlimited.org

In Stock. on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Smile-Laugh-Be-Happy-Culture/dp/B0BGN66HB6

“Do what He wants… You have to speak the Word”

Kingdom 101: Relationships with Pastor Lonzine Lee – An Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship & Training Center Bible Study

“Do what He wants. I will speak into the Earth, What The Father desires… You have to speak the Word”

Original Broadcast on Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship (MTEMINC)

Pastor Lonzine’s Notes


Smile, Laugh, and Be Happy: The Culture of God’s Kingdom Is The King’s Will For You Paperback –
by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker (Author), Lonzine Lee (Contributor).


Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
(408) 945-4439: O
P.O. Box 1412
Manteca, CA
95337 USA

To Give.

Online. https://astoundinglove.org/online-donations/
Using Zelle. Offerings@AstoundingLove.org
Using Cash App. $ALMTEM
Using Venmo. @AstLove

We thank you

“Why GOD wanted Men and Women to Rule”

“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 9

“This is an educational program, and we’re here to provoke you, to think, about how you think about the word of GOD, how you think about women in ministry, women and men, and all of these things, the kingdom of GOD… You’ll stand before GOD one day, and GOD will question you, not on how great you were, but on whether you were obedient to what He told you to do, or not… we have a choice, we can say YES, or we can say NO”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/gg9wobEwrW/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/Z7n2ogyXTYo

Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/870

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Apostle Dr. Barry Cook read a portion from The Ordination of Women by Lanny Hubbard.

To study all of the broadcasts for Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions Part 1 through Part 9 please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMDmsM9v1qHdbUB029xxcrk

To study all of the broadcasts for Co-Jointly Ruling Part 1 through Part 6
please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMeQVLoDpjaCcFFW_FMJFWM

To learn about Love & Unity. https://www.love-unity.org

To send questions to Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit. https://www.drbarrycook.com

To send questions to Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
By using Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
By using the Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

We thank you

“You have to pray for the people. You have to intercede for the people. You have to be longsuffering with the people. You have to love them”

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 11

“This is where Christ-like character and the fruit of the Spirit really comes in to play… Prophets must have the character of GOD, the fruit of the Spirit, fully developed within their life, through an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit… You have to pray for the people. You have to intercede for the people. You have to be longsuffering with the people. You have to love them…

Nobody ever called you to condemn people because they weren’t walking in obedience… Nobody made you the Corrector and Chief of the Body of Christ… It is the Holy Spirit’s job to be the Convictor, not ours.”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network. https://fb.watch/geR6HrbM8v/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/6qOzX4NqYOM

Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/869

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Please watch the Opening Night of Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence (Apostle Michael Fram)
Broadcast on Love & Unity Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/yZnYfEaS-V0

To study, please watch the PLAYLIST uploaded to YouTube
The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Parts 1 through 11

To watch all of the broadcasts from the Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. https://www.love-unity.org/tvnetwork

To learn about Love & Unity. https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Michael Fram

Living Faith Ministries International

Prophetic Destiny Ministries International

MATURING THE SONS OF GOD… Apostle Michael Fram on Love & Unity TV Network – Wednesday 5:30PM EST/ 2:30PM PST

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
Using Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
Using Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

By Mail
Send Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you

Special Encore Presentation. “Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out

“You have to make a decision to obey GOD.”

Special Encore Presentation. “Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out Part 24

“Likewise, reckon yourselves also to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto GOD through Jesus Christ… You don’t have to get in no prayer line to obey GOD. You have to make a decision to obey GOD.”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To study every broadcast of “Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out, a Playlist has been created on YouTube. The Tabernacle Being Lived Out with Apostle Calvin Cook – THE PLAYLIST. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVPh4qs5a_V3DZ9CS5q1WKZi

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online. https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
Using Zelle. Offerings@MTEMinc.org
Using Cash App. $MtemincOfferings

By Mail.
Send Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you