“Don’t Get Stuck”

There was a wonderful conversation this morning between God and Dr. Baker. A group of us joined her on a conference call, a prayer call. The call was recorded and has been uploaded as a podcast. The Lord is teaching us, whatever it is that we do, “do it all in the fun of Jesus”

On Apple Podcasts 


On Anchor



Jesus said,

“… but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

The Holy Bible, New King James Version

“Every thought.”

Yesterday, Pastor Lonzine Lee taught us a lesson. You, me and others can watch it as a video, or listen to it as a podcast. The topic is every thought. 
The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop.

On YouTube 

On Periscope 


On Twitter

Podcast on Apple Podcasts 


Podcast on Anchor
