“We have walked many times in this life, acting as though, our emotions were telling us the truth… Truth only comes from here, only the word of GOD… When He tells you the truth, that He never lies… And since we’re basically talking on the lines of things that you speak, and the power of …
Monthly Archives: April 2021
“Kingdom Wealth”
“You know, it’s called Tell It Like It Is. But it’s telling it like it, really is. Like GOD says it is. Not like the world says it is, or not like you say it is, or not like I say it is. And we’re here to provoke you to think about the word of …
“Are you in the kingdom?”
“Where He is not King. He does not rule.” Biblical Solutions For Life; Taught by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker and Pastor Lonzine Lee Podcast on Anchorhttps://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Biblical-Solutions-For-Life—Are-you-in-the-kingdom-evlkn7 Original Broadcasts on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/55XNtViUzw/https://fb.watch/55XJvOHXMp/ Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ASTOUNDINGLOVEMTEMINC More Than Enough Ministriesand Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship ContactUs@AstoundingLove.orghttps://astoundinglove.org/https://mteminc.org/ 1914 Trade Zone BoulevardSan …
“Love is the frequency”
KINGDOM CONVERSATIONS SUPERNATURAL & PROPHETIC ENCOUNTERS WITH THE WORD OF GOD – Hosted by Pastor Lonzine Lee. “Love is the frequency” “Let Him love you the way He wants. Let Him love you on His terms.” Original Broadcast on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/50GOVIAmOC/ Broadcast on YouTubehttps://youtu.be/gmofhnMdomk Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channelhttps://t.me/c/1129066154/569 Podcast on Anchorhttps://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/KINGDOM-CONVERSATIONS-SUPERNATURAL–PROPHETIC-ENCOUNTERS-WITH-THE-WORD-OF-GOD—Hosted-by-Pastor-Lonzine-Lee–Love-is-the-frequency-evd87v Astounding Love! A …
“Kingdom Economics. Kingdom Finance”
Tell It Like It Is Program – Hosted by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker with Special guests Apostle Maritony Yamot and Leonora Castillo. “Kingdom Economics. Kingdom Finance” “Number 1, we find people that we trust… That’s a spirit, soul, body, that’s a thing of saying I know that you don’t only have that spiritual realm, …
“This is how GOD made us”
“When you talk about the basic person, you’re talking about the temperaments, and you’re talking about how Jesus, how Yeshua, was able to bring out the best in all of them… This is the that way we were created. This was before any psychology. This was before any of those things, because it was what …
“It cost everything. Everything”
Biblical Solutions For Life. Taught by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker and Pastor Lonzine Lee Original Broadcast on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/4Yq-HSwANW/ Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channelhttps://t.me/c/1129066154/566 Podcast on Vurblhttps://vurbl.com/listen/1VA4e5BdRXq/ Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/ASTOUNDINGLOVEMTEMINC More Than Enough Ministriesand Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship ContactUs@AstoundingLove.orghttps://astoundinglove.org/https://mteminc.org/ 1914 Trade Zone BoulevardSan Jose, CA 95131 USA(408) …
“God loves you and I do too.”
“Not accepted by Mankind, but THE CREATOR of every thing said, “I want you. I want to wash you. I want to cleanse you.”… Nothing is gonna stink so bad that you, will not say “God loves you and I do too.” … He says, “I made you worthy. I made you in My likeness. …
“You’ve got to get rid of Fear. You’ve got to – We’re never authorized in the Kingdom of God to operate from Satan’s domain”
KINGDOM CONVERSATIONS PROPHETIC & SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTERS WITH THE WORD OF GOD – Hosted by Pastor Lonzine Lee; Original Broadcast on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/4KcJ5ch_72/ “When we speak this word. We speak it on the authority of The King and The Kingdom that it represents. This Bible is no joke… The Bible is a living word… The dominion …
“At the Name of Yeshua every thing has to obey it”
Biblical Solutions For Life – Love comes from The King. It’s Royal Power and Authority… Royal Power and Authority means that it comes as a Decree that is backed up by the authority of The King. “At the Name of Yeshua every thing has to obey it” Taught by God through Apostle Bacer J. Baker …
Continue reading ““At the Name of Yeshua every thing has to obey it””