“You Have Always Been Loved!”

Kingdom 101: RelationshipsHosted by Pastor Lonzine Lee (prophetic teacher)You and your relationship with GOD“You Have Always Been Loved!” What is my relationship with GOD and love for myself?What is my relationship with GOD and money?What is my relationship with GOD and forgiveness?What is my relationship with GOD and time? Original Broadcast on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/8VRuKua7Jz/ Broadcast …

Be Not Conformed To This World

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker Original Broadcast on Facebook Livehttps://fb.watch/8Uu-oTun22/ Broadcast on YouTubehttps://youtu.be/s-zccq325IA Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channelhttps://t.me/c/1129066154/664 Podcast on Anchorhttps://anchor.fm/communion5779/episodes/Really-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-with-Apostle-Dr–Bacer-J–Baker—Be-Not-Conformed-To-This-World-e19c8od Please send your questions to ContactUs@MTEMinc.orgOr write: More Than Enough MinistriesP.O. Box 4400, Manteca, CA 95337 To give your tithes, offerings, first fruits, and trades to GODhttps://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/ …

Kingdom 101: Relationships

Kingdom 101: Relationships. Class Reminder “GOD loves humanity. He loves all of mankind… This class is about looking at every relationship that you have, from GOD’s point of view… What are you saying about your relationships?” Lonzine Lee, prophetic teacher Class begins on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 9:45PM EST/ 6:45PM PST Original Broadcast on …

“He’s got to be your LORD”

Tell It Like It Is. The Kingdom Way with Apostle Dr. Bacer J. BakerKingdom Government, Part 2; on The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network HSBNThe ascension gifts and the order of kingdom government. Now First, He’s got to be your OwnerHe’s got to be your MasterHe’s got to be your LORD He’s got to be the …

The blood of Jesus – it changes EVERY THING

The blood that’s in you is not a natural blood.It’s a supernatural blood.It’s the blood of Jesus. It’s meant for His body.It’s meant for THE KINGDOMThe Kingdom of GOD is within me. And if the kingdom of GOD is within me and He says,Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in Earth and on Earth …

Love & Unity Arkansas

By using the following link, you can watch and receive what GOD ministered to us during Love & Unity Arkansas. These precious broadcasts have been uploaded to YouTube. The kingdom of Heaven is here. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYND8eCbAnK04VVkPxXcTi0SH_fIGHeqh Sow money, a financial seed, into the kingdom of GOD go to Love & Unityhttps://www.love-unity.org/

“How are we gonna keep being so unfaithful to Him?”

Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker ministering at Love & Unity Arkansas“Let this mind be in you that was also in Him” “The Lord said this, showed me this, cause I see, I’m a seer. That the Body is abusive because it refuses to listen and obey, and what’s happening is this; the things that you …