The Tell It Like It Is, Like It Really Is Program with Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker – OBEDIENCE

“If I’m not going to listen to those that GOD put around me, then I’m not going to listen to GOD… Obedience is such an honor. Because I’m obedient to One that’s obedient to Himself. To the One that created everything, Yes. But He obeys His own laws! … See, when you have an encounter …

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” hosted by Dr. Bacer J. Baker. The Tabernacle with Apostle Calvin Cook Part 3 – THE LIGHT

“The power was, to think with the Mind of GOD rather than the mind of man” “Remember, He says, Church, I want you to build My Church. When Nimrod was building he didn’t build with My mind. So what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna raise up a people, give ’em My mind, get ’em in …

“I want you to really understand the temperament”

“Because the word of GOD says with all of your getting, get understanding. Well, I want you to really understand the temperament… And we have to realize something, that our temperaments were put in us, because He knew that when we were born again, we were heir of GOD, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, …

“What we want to do is to have it so that you understand that the tabernacle is talking about you; and if you don’t understand the tabernacle, then you don’t understand yourself”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” hosted by Dr. Bacer J. Baker. The Tabernacle with Apostle Calvin Cook Part 2 Original Broadcast on Love & Unity Broadcast on YouTube Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channel Podcast on Anchor–Bacer-J–Baker–The-Tabernacle-with-Apostle-Calvin-Cook-Part-2-e1hbpdc To contactApostle Calvin Cook please visit To contactApostle Dr. Baker please visit More Than Enough Ministries …

“Psalms 139 is letting you know that He created you. He put His temperament, He put His Him, in you”

The Tell It Like It Really Is Program with Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker Did you know that you can only have one temperament, and it is forever? Why? Your Godly temperament – as it relates to Kingdom – equips you to work in your strengths. When you live from your weaknesses, you live from …

“GOD knows exactly where you are. He knows exactly your hurt.”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” hosted by Dr. Bacer J. Baker. The Tabernacle with Apostle Calvin Cook Part 1 “The Pattern of the Son… GOD only left one pattern… and we are the new man that GOD is building… We just have to put ourselves in the proper position in Him, and …

“When you truly receive GOD’s love, the last thing on your mind is to try to reject somebody else; regardless of what they do”

Kingdom 101. Relationships with Pastor Lonzine Lee – Discipleship session with Lesley Choy 1. Do I have a kingdom relationship with myself?2. Do I have kingdom standards for my life? Or is there an escape clause, in my thinking? I’ll do this until3. Do I talk kingdom to myself? Cause you talk to yourself all …

“Even in all of this, that we let the people know that we love them… People get overwhelmed”

“Still Telling It Like It Is with Dr. BJ Baker” Special Guests Apostle Marshall McGee and his wife Prophet Randi McGee – We have been talking on the subject of Suicide Original Broadcast on Love & Unity Broadcast on YouTube Podcast on Anchor–BJ-Baker-Special-Guests-Apostle-Marshall-McGee-and-his-wife-Prophet-Randi-McGee—We-have-been-talking-on-the-subject-of-Suicide-e1gr8bi If you have watched this broadcast and want to help Please contact …