What is man?

Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/What-is-man-e9u1vp/What-is-man–mp3-a18fgoe

Transcription is below

You are magnificent! You are magnanimous! You are! 

Oh You are that You are! 

Everything that’s good, Everything that’s great. This is who You are Father. This is who You are Jesus. This is who You are Holy Spirit. 

You’re all knowing, You are all, all of it. 

Oh, I have to get words from You, to describe You, and Your greatness, Your vastness. 

And then You’re so small that You live inside of me. 

You, humbled yourself to live, to come, inside Your creation to show Your creation how powerful it is. 

To show Your creation what it’s capable of. 

Oh WOW. 

And then to offer Your own mind! to be inside of Your creation! so that it could think like you! So that it could operate a kingdom! 

Oh my God! 

What is man that you are so mind full?

That you put Your mind, that You fill their minds, that you are so mindful of them? 

Man is Your creation that You can live in. Man is Your creation, that’s made in Your image and after Your likeness. 

That is to run after You, that is to manifest Your likeness in the Earth. 

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Mankind is to subdue the Earth.

Oh, Oh, Wow! 

Oh as meteorites is headed towards the Earth, only You can change its course. 

All of these things that You have written in Your book. That as we study, as we meditate, as we look into You, it’s so much greater than the little things that we read and quote. The answer to everything is in the Book. 

Spoken by Dr. Bacer J. Baker

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

In Him

In Him (transcription and audio) 3 minutes and 54 seconds 

That we will, be manifesting, the purpose of the kingdom of God. 

Not my will, but Your will be done. I bless You, I bless You, I bless You. 

You’re empowered; to obey, you’re empowered, yes, you’re empowered to have the will of God being done in your life. 

You’re empowered to walk in humility, you’re empowered to walk in the submitted life, submitted. 

You’re empowered to let the mind of Christ, the mind of Messiah prosper in you, to let the mind of Christ operate in and through you. 

You are blessed, you are empowered for that. 

You’re empowered to live His will, not your will, but His will be done in your life. You’re empowered for that. 

That your will is His will and His will is your will, and you abide in Him and He abides in you. He lives in you and you live in Him and you live for Him. You’re empowered, you’re blessed with that. 

You’re empowered to prosper in His ways and all of His ways, to acknowledge Him in all of your ways and He is the director of your path. You are blessed for that. 

You’re blessed for every, everything that your flesh, everything that your spirit, everything that your mind, everything that is needed, for God’s will to manifest; for the empowerment of, thinking of these things that are above. 

You walk in the midst of Him. That in Him, you live. In Him, you operate. In Him, you do business, in Him! This is where we are. 

In Him we direct our families. In Him, we feel. In Him are our emotions. In Him are our desires. In Him! 

We live, truly live. We truly move and we truly, be. Have our being. This is where we be, in Him! 

Because we seek first the kingdom, and in Him all the answers, all the answers are Yes, so, you can be it. You, be it! 

In Him is all the safety. 

In Messiah, in Messiah, in Messiah





Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/In-Him-e9sls4

The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop. Sunday 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST

“I didn’t call you to be any eloquent preacher and speaker. I just cause you to get up and just say it the way you do it. And when you say it the way I tell you to say it and do it the way I tell you to do it; there will be My anointing —-there will be My blessing and I’ll break their old hard heads, and I’ll cause those old hard hearts to mellow. I’ll cause the faithless to have faith in their hearts.

“So you obey Me in everything, O daughter of The Lord, and I’ll do the things I’ve promised. And you’ll see the blind eyes open, and you’re going to see the ears unstopped, and you’re going to see the lame walk. But above all, you’re going to see My people turn and trust Me, for that’s the greatest thing that man can do. Not that the eyes be opened and ears be unstopped and the lame walk and the dead be raised; but that men might be turned unto the Power of the Gospel and believe The Lord Jesus Christ and come unto My Kingdom. That’s the sign and wonder that I’m waiting to see—when men turn their hearts to the Gospel. “So be steadfast, O daughter of the Lord and do not lean to your own understanding, and God will bless you and He will surely bring it to pass. Rejoice, O daughter of the Lord. The Lord’s hand is turned towards you for good.”

You are invited to The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST where we learn about the culture of the kingdom of God.


More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship 1914 Trade Zone Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95131.

Or participate live, by watching the Internet broadcast using Periscope or Twitter. Download the Periscope App or the Twitter App, then enter LoveAstounding in the Search bar

Or simply call us on our FreeConference call number
(415) 464-6800 then enter the conference ID 9454439#

With Your Heart

We pray for the President of United States, the Vice President and all the different people in Congress, as we pray for those that are in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the government. 

Every mayor, every governor, every judge every yes every one in authority. Every parent, every father, every mother, every, Yes, yes, yes. 

All leaders, every educational and and governmental, and church leaders. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes. All of those. Oh, oh. 

We don’t know what to pray. 

Oh, but, Oh, God, we thank you. We thank You, Father. We thank you, King. Oh, King, King , King of the universe, King, of the kingdom of God. 


You teach us, that You lead us that You guide us to pray out of Your heart. 

Not what we see, not what we feel, not what we want, not out of our nationality, or out of our need, or out of our wants, or out of our bent, or our past, or our hurts or our emotions. 

But that we pray, we stand with Your heart, Your desire. 

What You have for that person. 

What You have for that office. 

What You have for that nation.

Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/With-Your-Heart-e9sg7q

“Kingdom 202 is basically gonna talk about life in the kingdom of God, and it is going to be from the victory perspective.”

Pastor Lonzine Lee

“When you live at God’s standard, you live from God’s point of view. Victory, all the time. 24/7. 365 and beyond. God never has a bad day. God never has a day when He just doesn’t know how He’s gonna make it. God never has a day when He’s sitting there on His throne, with His head in His hands trying to figure out how He’s goin’ to feed all these people on the Earth 🌎. It just doesn’t happen. It will never happen. And that’s a reason to thank HIM.”

Kingdom 202 

On Periscope https://www.pscp.tv/w/cNQ97DFXTEVSQUdYbnBPamJ8MURYeHlwQU5Qa25KTeS8quURrlQziiliMY5tAuwsgTOgUZSuPqqPXQpqgAL1

On YouTube https://youtu.be/EIsvYWvhgWo

On Twitter  https://twitter.com/loveastounding/status/1210027853535858688?s=21

Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom202-The-compassion-of-God–The-compassion-of-Jesus-e9psv4

Podcast on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kingdom202-the-compassion-of-god-the-compassion-of-jesus/id1454163982?i=1000460788706


(408) 945-4439: Main


“THE BEST CHRISTMAS STORY EVER… because it was written by the best writer ever. Forever.” Read by Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church FellowshipDownload the PDF The Christmas Story

Listen to the Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/THE-BEST-CHRISTMAS-STORY-EVER-e9ohbl

Listen on Apple Podcastshttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-best-christmas-story-ever/id1454163982?i=1000460581652

Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

ContactUs@AstoundingLove.org(408) 945-4439: Main

“You can be the you, you were created to be.”

Pastor Lonzine Lee

Sometimes you hear a message that EVERYBODY must hear. My sister Lonzine has a television show. This particular show, she broadcast on Wednesday. Her television show was wonderful.

Will you please watch it?

She is a pastor. Lonzine was teaching us, and, she was also learning, about the word “story.” There was a moment where she said, “You can be the you, you were created to be.”

If you will watch the broadcast, or listen to the Podcast, you will hear these words,

“I absolutely love you. I see you for what you are.”

You may know about a gaming company that uses the phrase “E for everyone.” Well, this broadcast literally is for EVERYONE.

Kingdom 101 School of Prophetic & Supernatural Ministry “You can be the you, you were created to be.”

Please watch it on Periscope


Please watch it on YouTube

Please watch it on Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1207489860572835840?s=20

Please listen to the Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-101-You-can-be-the-you–you-were-created-to-be-e9lodl

Or, please listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/communion/id1454163982?i=1000460194666

Thank you

And if you have questions please, contact

Pastor Lonzine Lee

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship



(408) 945-4439

Frederick Johnson
(347) 508-4166 H/O☎️
(646) 830-0364: M 📱
(347) 201-0046: Fax 📠

COMMUNION tells people that the kingdom of Heaven is here, by using the Internet, Television and Wireless communications


Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker “DIRECT COMMUNICATION”

That’s why the Bible says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.”

Dr. Bacer J. Baker

On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1BdxYeQjeyExX?q=LoveAstounding

On Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker-DIRECT-COMMUNICATION-e9jjer

On YouTube https://youtu.be/oLdZyKiBT_M

On Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1207126472856457216?s=20

To give into this great work, please go to https://astoundinglove.org/medias/online-donations


(408) 945-4439


“Criticizing without Knowledge is Dangerous”

Dr. Bacer J. Baker

“Criticizing without knowledge is dangerous. If you don’t know all the ins and all the outs, if you don’t know what this person knows, how can I How can I tell you what to do unless I know what it is that you’re truly facing.

Oh Father, I thank you. I thank you for, for, for opening our eyes and our hearts to you so that we can see others the way that you see them I know that that’s something and I desire that’s something that’s needfull, in my life That I compare myself to you.

As I pray for them.

Whoa! As I talk about others, the only person I compare myself to, is Jesus.

Oh I praise you and just as he when the woman was brought to him, to judge and he stooped down and wrote on the stone on the stone pavements And he was the only one that was without sin. Who would have been able to cast the first stone. But he didn’t.

He prayed for her, he prayed for, He strengthened her. So I thank you that today we will speak life into people’s lives.

We will speak strength into people’s lives and we hear what from you what it is that they truly need.

When we spend time praying for them. Saying God, what do they need? What do I need to pray? How can I pray for this one?

How do I pray for my president? How do I pray for the vice president? How do I pray for the Congress? How do I pray for this one?

How do I pray for those first, that say that they belong to you? How do I pray for them? Give me the words to pray for this one.

Let us start to take time.

It takes time to pray for all those people rather than just to have an opinion. Have you prayed for them?

Before you speak against them, no matter who they are. Have you prayed to know what’s going on?

Oh no, no, no, no, I haven’t had time. I don’t, are you kiddin’? It would take forever to pray about to pray for all the people that I criticize?!

Oh No All the people that I have thoughts and opinions about. If I took time to pray even one minute for all of them I’d be praying all day.

See, that’s what the average person would have to say that’s what the average ecclesia the average Christian, the average believer would have to say.

Well then if I if I’m not gonna pray for them, to find out what to say about them, why would I say anything about them?”

Words spoken by Dr. B. Baker

Available as a Podcast on Anchor

Transcribed by https://otter.ai