“Taking Every Thought Captive”

The REALLY Telling It Like It Is Broadcast with Dr. Bacer “BJ” Baker – Taking Every Thought Captive

“The word of GOD is the only word that is truth… We know that Jesus is a Savior, but He is saying, ‘I have saved your thoughts. I want you to surrender your thoughts. I want you to surrender and submit your emotions. I want you to put all of these things under the Lordship, under My Lordship, so that I AM LORD over those things.’ Just think about that, Jesus is LORD over my thoughts. Jesus is LORD over my emotions. Jesus is LORD over my feelings. Jesus is LORD over my situations. Jesus is LORD in them. Over them. Around them. He has Lordship. So therefore, I know that I have already won… He has Lordship over my tongue… You have to continue to start to think the way that the word of GOD thinks…”

The Kingdom Life is so much deeper, is so much greater, is so much more powerful, than just living an ordinary Christian life… When you start to use The King’s language When you start to realize that The King owns everything, and you own nothing… And you can choose to come under the protection, of who it is that He is, which means, that whatever He says is correct. Whatever He says is right. Whatever is contrary to that is wrong for me, is wrong period, but it’s definitely wrong for me.”

When I came into Christ, I became a new creation. My DNA changed. All of the things in my life changed. Healing, Manifestation of it, Everything changed. Why was that? Because I came under the Lordship of My King, and My King is the One that created everything. Do you understand? He is the One who spoke me into existence. He is the One that created me. He is the One that spoke everything into existence.

There’s certain things that I know will happen. Why is that?
Because I’m obedient to THE KING

I trust GOD

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COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor


Please contact More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439: O

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“To Rule Together”


“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” hosted by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker. Co-Jointly Ruling with Apostle Dr. Barry Cook Part 3

“People weren’t even thinking it was an issue, because Jesus leveled the playin’ field”

Original Broadcast on HSBN

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Mission Minded Leaders by Apostle Barry Cook

To contact Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit https://www.drbarrycook.com

To contact Apostle Dr. Baker please visit https://mteminc.org

More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439: O

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More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

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To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org … The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is a faith-based network dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe through all media formats http://hsbn.tv/

The Place of Refuge

Please watch The REALLY Telling It Like It Is Broadcast with Dr. Bacer “BJ” Baker. Dr. Baker speaks about this important vision that was given to her by GOD in February 1997. We are doing it now, with your help

To learn more about the Place of Refuge in Manteca, CA
Please contact More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439: O

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Mail Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337


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“When you look at the walk of Yeshua Jesus… You see that as a man that is in the Earth, He walked a pure life… He did not stumble. He did not ever do anything that was against the will of the heart of His Father. At the heart, at the root of who Jesus is, what we always heard is ‘If it pleases My Father’… That’s the direction that we ourselves have to look at, ‘Do my actions please The Father?'”

Kingdom 101. Relationships with Pastor Lonzine Lee – Pastor Lonzine Lee continues to teach on assignments against our pure relationship with God.

Original Broadcast on Facebook Live

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship
(408) 945-4439: O

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Mail Checks and Money Orders to:

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship
P.O. Box 1412
Manteca, CA 95337

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“GOD loves me” … GOD made you in His image and after His likeness so that He could love you

“You are valuable and you are important to GOD. And I want you to start to receive the love of GOD, that He has… Now listen to this, GOD made you in His image and after His likeness so that He could love you, in His image and after His likeness. He made you to look like Him, so what could He give you, other, than all the love, that He is… He made me to love me. He made me worthy”

The REALLY Telling It Like It Is Broadcast with Dr. Bacer “BJ” Baker
More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439: O

Broadcast on YouTube

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Co-Jointly Ruling

“You gotta care, because the relationships Jesus was trying to give, were love relationships, not forced relationships… It’s mutual… – Ephesians Chapter 5 verses 22 through 33 – … The metaphor was about how you and Christ are to relate together. You’re the woman, I’m the woman, now, in this metaphor… I am offended for THE KINGDOM, I am offended for GOD, in that, and any and every time that we demean any, any being; any being, whether it be in a female house, whether it be in a male house, whether it be in a black or yellow, a whatever color outside house… This is one of the reasons I hate the word race is that He says, that we were all made of one blood”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” with Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker. Co-Jointly Ruling with Apostle Dr. Barry Cook Part 2. Apostle, Dr. Baker welcomes Apostle Dr. Barry Cook to speak about co-jointly ruling.

Original Broadcast on Love & Unity Broadcast 

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To contact Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit https://www.drbarrycook.com/
To contact Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker please visit https://mteminc.org/
To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network is a faith-based network dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe through all media formats http://hsbn.tv/

More Than Enough Ministries 
(408) 945-4439: O

Please send your tithes and offerings to GOD

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Or Mail your Checks and Money Orders to:

More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

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