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Monthly Archives: October 2022
“They had a focus and He was it”
Kingdom 101: Relationships with Pastor Lonzine Lee – The Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship & Training Center Bible Study… This Bible Study, the whole heading of this one is Kingdom 101 so it’s elementary principles of THE KINGDOM and the emphasis is on Relationships They chose to believe; and they never unchose that. They …
“The kingdom of GOD should be demonstrating that there is no difference in male or female in Christ Jesus… Let them rule”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 8 “The kingdom of GOD should be demonstrating that there is no difference in male or female in Christ Jesus… Let them …
“We need to learn how to obey DIVINE instructions”
“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 10 “We’re here to provoke you to think, about how you think about the word of GOD, how …
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“A beautiful picture of the conclusion of transformation”
“In the beginning we were created to live, move, have our being, inside of the Dominion of GOD; literally as ones who reigned, as GOD, in the visible realm… He means for us to live, move, and have our being right here in these skin suits that He give us. You are His address… You …
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The Tabernacle
Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle “I wanted you to have a picture of what transformation looks like. From my study, I found that in the tabernacle, I can reveal to you, GOD’s intentions… This is the Sabbath; cause you’re not supposed to run out of here. You’re supposed to …
“Kingdom Transformation”
Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. Apostle Michael Fram – Kingdom Transformation “We can absolutely have Kingdom Transformation. All we have to do is what they did… We will get what they got…There is a pattern and all we have to do is the pattern… If they could work together, so can we… It’s really that …
“Maybe the way that you’ve been thinking about the word of GOD has not been correct… There’s not one verse from Genesis to Malachi where the law of Moses said that women were to be silent. Not one law!”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 7 “We’re here to provoke you to think about how you’ve been thinking. Maybe the way that you’ve been thinking about the …
“A primary concern… get the heartbeat of GOD. What is GOD feeling at a particular moment, and communicate it, to the people. Do you know that GOD actually feels things?”
“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 9 Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network Broadcast on YouTube Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channel …
“You have to make a decision to obey GOD”
“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out Part 24 ” … Not very many people have made Him Lord of their lives… We are members of each other… I got eternal life …
Continue reading ““You have to make a decision to obey GOD””