LOVE – “God made you in His image and after His likeness, so that He could love you, in His image and after His likeness. He made you to look like Him. So what could He give you other, than all the love that He is?”

Please watch this 5 minute and 8 second video about love

*The Four-legged Table – Thoughts, Beliefs, Mindsets & Doing*

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Ron Joelson “I’m not in a hurry. One of the reasons I’m not in a hurry is this: I have seen so many people in the church. I have seen so many people that …

“If we don’t recognize who we are, in Christ; then we have a skewed view of who we are, period.”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out. Part 31 “If we don’t recognize who we are, in Christ; then we have a skewed view of who we are, period. If we have …

“The Father’s Wealth Mindset… It’s a matter of trust”

Kingdom Conversations with Lonzine Lee. A Kingdom Business Conversation with Xochitl Rodriguez – Part 3 Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network on YouTube on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel Podcast on Anchor–A-Kingdom-Business-Conversation-with-Xochitl-Rodriguez—Part-3-e1roesv Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium A PLAYLIST of each broadcast, Parts 1, 2 and 3 has been uploaded to …

“People who have really been trained apostolically, they live on the offense, and not on the defense”

“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook – Distinct Features of Apostolic Training Part 2 “When you come through, you gonna be fully functional… You’ll know how to pray, you’ll know how to stand for your house, you’ll …