“A beautiful picture of the conclusion of transformation”

“In the beginning we were created to live, move, have our being, inside of the Dominion of GOD; literally as ones who reigned, as GOD, in the visible realm… He means for us to live, move, and have our being right here in these skin suits that He give us. You are His address… You are as I am… Don’t be afraid of it… It’s what I did… It’s what I paid for… It’s the work that I accomplished… Why is it so hard for us to understand in our souls, that that’s The Father’s desire?

… The intentional love dream of GOD is what brought you into being”

“Everything I am I give to you… Jesus is the salvation of Yahweh”

Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. Apostle Robin Beach – “A beautiful picture of the conclusion of transformation”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

The Tabernacle

Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle

“I wanted you to have a picture of what transformation looks like. From my study, I found that in the tabernacle, I can reveal to you, GOD’s intentions… This is the Sabbath; cause you’re not supposed to run out of here. You’re supposed to come in to stay. When the world was created on the sixth day, the man was created, and the first day he went into, was rest. Not his rest, but the rest of His Creator. It’s not Saturday, it’s the body of Christ at rest in Him. That’s the Sabbath”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

“Kingdom Transformation”

Love & Unity Northeastern Convergence. Apostle Michael Fram – Kingdom Transformation

“We can absolutely have Kingdom Transformation. All we have to do is what they did… We will get what they got…There is a pattern and all we have to do is the pattern… If they could work together, so can we… It’s really that simple, it’s that simple… We are in a real battle for the souls of men… Pride has got to go… There’s no reason that we can’t come together in the body of Christ… I believe that it’s GOD’s heart that we begin to walk this thing out… GOD is raising up a people that will work together”

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

“Maybe the way that you’ve been thinking about the word of GOD has not been correct… There’s not one verse from Genesis to Malachi where the law of Moses said that women were to be silent. Not one law!”

“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 7

“We’re here to provoke you to think about how you’ve been thinking. Maybe the way that you’ve been thinking about the word of GOD has not been correct. But we’re still here telling it like it is, like the word of GOD says… We started in Genesis and have moved through the Bible speaking of women, and their part in ministry, their role from beginning of times all they way up, until now; and what the Scripture makes plain, versus what man tries to say… We have a myopic and small view of what we think women are allowed to do, or are allowed to be Scripturally, which is not what the Scripture teaches from the very beginning of Genesis all the way up ’til now… It does not say the law commands silence… but to be under obedience, and that’s something we all agree on… There’s not one verse from Genesis to Malachi where the law of Moses said that women were to be silent. Not one law!”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network https://fb.watch/fZI9ImD2k2/

Broadcast on YouTube. https://youtu.be/GAido4_uxs4

Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel. https://t.me/c/1129066154/860

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To study all of the broadcasts for Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions Part 1 through Part 7 please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube.


To study all of the broadcasts for Co-Jointly Ruling Part 1 through Part 6
please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube.


To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To send questions to Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit. https://www.drbarrycook.com

Apostle Dr. Barry Cook also mentioned Jim Beall The Female Species (page 33)

The female of the species $c / James Lee Beall

Detroit, MI : Evangel Press, [1970s?].

38 p. ; 21 cm.


To send questions to Apostle Bacer J. Baker

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

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Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
By using Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org
By using the Cash App $MtemincOfferings

We thank you

“A primary concern… get the heartbeat of GOD. What is GOD feeling at a particular moment, and communicate it, to the people. Do you know that GOD actually feels things?”

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 9

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To study every broadcast, please watch PLAYLIST on YouTube
The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Michael Fram

Living Faith Ministries International

Prophetic Destiny Ministries International

MATURING THE SONS OF GOD… Apostle Michael Fram on Love & Unity TV Network – Wednesday 5:30PM EST/ 2:30PM PST

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center

Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App $MtemincOfferings

We thank you

“You have to make a decision to obey GOD”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook – The Tabernacle Being Lived Out Part 24

” … Not very many people have made Him Lord of their lives… We are members of each other… I got eternal life flowin’ in me, and you have pure, holy, eternal life flowin’ in you; then why would you want to express something unholy to me? Why would you want to express something that’s out of the nature, and the character of the GOD you and I say we represent?… But it ain’t Cal Cook speaking today, it’s the word of THE LORD being presented to you”

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 

A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center

Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org

Website: https://mteminc.org

Call: (408) 945-4439: O

Or Write: P.O. Box 4400

Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/

Using Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org

Using Cash App $MtemincOfferings

By Mail

Send Checks and Money Orders to:

More Than Enough Ministries

P.O. Box 4400

Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you

Smile, Laugh, and Be Happy: The Culture of God’s Kingdom Is The King’s Will For You

Good morning,

Smile, Laugh, and Be Happy: The Culture of God’s Kingdom
Is The King’s Will For You. This new book, written by Apostle, Dr. Bacer J. Baker is available now https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BH3V2RR1 ☺️

When you buy this book using AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the price will go to More Than Enough Ministries. To do so, go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and select More Than Enough Ministries Inc as your Charity.

We thank you

“Victory in the overcoming power of GRACE”

Kingdom 101 Relationships: The Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship & Training Center Bible Study

Original Broadcast on Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship (MTEMINC)

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
(408) 945-4439: O
P.O. Box 1412
Manteca, CA
95337 USA

To Give Online https://astoundinglove.org/online-donations/

To use Zelle Offerings@AstoundingLove.org

To use Cash App $ALMTEM

To use Venmo @AstLove

We thank you

“… the tool of the enemy is to re-label us, no matter what it is. To re-label us. To label us something different, than what GOD has called us”

“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook. Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions – Part 6

“We’re here to provoke you, to think, and to find out how it is that you have been thinking… You may want to change the way that you’ve been thinking about the kingdom of GOD, and the things of GOD… the tool of the enemy is to re-label us, no matter what it is. To re-label us. To label us something different, than what GOD has called us”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

Mission Minded Leaders by Apostle Barry Cook – Chapter 1

Apostle Dr. Barry Cook also mentioned Halley’s Bible Handbook (p. 596, 597)

To learn more about what Apostle Dr. Barry Cook mentioned
regarding Middle Eastern women being martyred, killed, for not wearing veils in public please read

To study all of the broadcasts for Historical Evidences of Women in Leadership Positions Part 1 through Part 6 please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMDmsM9v1qHdbUB029xxcrk

To study all of the broadcasts for Co-Jointly Ruling Part 1 through Part 6
please go to this PLAYLIST on YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPc1-VNXUtVMeQVLoDpjaCcFFW_FMJFWM

To send questions to Apostle Dr. Barry Cook please visit https://www.drbarrycook.com

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To send questions to Apostle Bacer J. Baker

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
By using Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org
By using the Cash App $MtemincOfferings

We thank you

“But remember, everything in THE KINGDOM works by LOVE”

“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 8

“We have settled for mixture. We have settled for something that’s supernatural, that’s not sacred… Our job is to make you look at Jesus… A prophet becomes the mouthpiece of GOD… They carry the voice of GOD to the people… See, we don’t understand protocol in THE KINGDOM… But remember, everything in THE KINGDOM works by LOVE… A prophet will have a proven track record for being accurate”

Original Broadcast on the Love & Unity TV Network

Broadcast on YouTube

Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

To study every broadcast, please watch PLAYLIST on YouTube
The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet

To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org

To contact Apostle Michael Fram

Living Faith Ministries International

Prophetic Destiny Ministries International

MATURING THE SONS OF GOD… Apostle Michael Fram on Love & Unity TV Network – Wednesday 5:30PM EST/ 2:30PM PST

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center

Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App $MtemincOfferings

We thank you