“God’s way is the only way.”

God’s way is the only way.

The only truth.
The only light.
The only answer.
The only source.
The word of God is the only….. for you.

The Bible is the only source of wisdom.
The Bible is the only knowledge.
The Bible is the only understanding.
The Bible is the only source that I must take literally.

He says, the word of God is of no private interpretation.

Taught by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439

Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Gods-way-is-the-only-way-eh9ors

but can you imagine?

KINGDOM CONVERSATIONS “but can you imagine?”


“but can you imagine?”

This is why He says,

We don’t know Him according to the flesh. Because we’re thinking of that lovely Jesus that walked around,

walked on water, did this, did that.

But He, He did more.

He conquered death, hell, and the grave.

He got the keys, He went and took captivity captive.

He has ascended on high.

But He ascended as the first man on earth, to ever overcome, destroy the works of the devil,

walking in the covenant with the Almighty God, without sin, in perfection,

keeping His eye on the King, manifesting the kingdom.

Walking free of fear.

Walking free of sickness.

Walking free of disease.

Releasing, even exercising resurrection power over death.

And as He is, so are we; in this world.

This is the conversation.

It is possible, to live the life without fear.

It is possible, to live a life free of sickness and disease and torment.

Instead, to be a torment to sickness and disease.

Because when you show up, it scatters.

It is possible, to live the life without fear.

It is possible, to live a life free of sickness and disease and torment.

Instead, to be a torment to sickness and disease.

Because when you show up, it scatters.

It is possible, to live the life without fear.
It is possible, to live a life free of sickness and disease and torment.
Instead, to be a torment to sickness and disease.
Because when you show up, it scatters.

It is possible, to walk in absolute provision in every thing.
It is possible, to keep your eye on God, and do what He wants, and to please Him, completely.


We’re the body of the Jesus that once walked the earth.
We are the living organism, for the Christ that has ascended on high, for the head of the church.

We, are simply obeying what He does, and we can walk in the perfection, the perfect love of God.

We can walk without sin, because that is the message, and the power of the kingdom of God.

And that’s our conversation.

On YouTube

On Anchor

Pastor Lonzine Lee; Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship
(408) 945-4439

“There is only one race.”

Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker;
Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker
(Really Telling It Like It Is)
Last night’s broadcast

On YouTube

On Apple Podcasts

More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439


Our Focused Vision.

This is our focused vision.

Spoken by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker

The scriptures follow:

Genesis 1:26

Acts 17:26

Galatians 3:28

Psalm 24:1

Matthew 6:33

More Than Enough Ministries, Inc.


(408) 945-4439

Our Vision

To see the complete destruction of fear, bondage, pride, prejudice and the awakening of hunger for righteousness and Biblical holiness in the obedient Body of Christ.

Our Mission

To create and sustain, by obeying Biblical principles, an organism that will be a universal leader in establishing the Church of Jesus Christ in Unity, Equality and Power; accelerating the healing and building of God’s Kingdom according to His will.

Our Focused Vision

Dr. Baker, our Apostle, asked us today, to listen to this audio over and over and over again. This is our focused vision.

The Podcast is available on Anchor

The scriptures follow along with a screenshot of the written vision.

Genesis 1:26
Acts 17:26
Galatians 3:28
Psalm 24:1
Matthew 6:33


Thank you

“We’re going to have to depend upon God for everything that we do.”

We’re going to have to depend upon God for healing.
We’re going to have to depend upon God for finances.
We’re going to have to depend upon God for everything that we do.

Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker; More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker (Really Telling It Like It Is)

On Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker-Were-going-to-have-to-depend-upon-God-for-everything-that-we-do-egov5i

Please pray for our President today, strength wisdom and encouragement!


Send out to your friends, Post it on Facebook, Tweet it. Post it on all forms of Social Media.

Please send out an urgent request for prayer for Strength, Wisdom and encouragement rebuking discouragement and hopelessness for Our President and the United States Of America.

We also need to pray for the eyes and understanding of the Citizens of the United States be open to see and hear THE TRUTH. I was awaken to the urgency this morning.

Thank you,

Apostle, Dr. B Baker