Kingdom 202 “He does what He said.”

“Obedience is winning.” 

Hear more choice nuggets from Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

Kingdom 202 

On Periscope

On Anchor

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

(408) 945-4439

“Do I have genuine emotions?”

“What do I really feel?”

“Do I really have genuine emotions?”

“Do I really feel anything, for anybody?”

“Do I really feel anything for me?”

Tuesday’s Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker is wonderful. Please watch it whenever you have a moment.

“Do I have genuine emotions?”

On Periscope

On YouTube 

On Twitter

Podcast on Anchor–B–Baker-What-do-I-really-feel–Do-I-really-have-genuine-emotions–Do-I-really-feel-anything–for-anybody–Do-I-really-feel-anything-for-me-ea249t

“Whatever it is that we can do, here at this ministry, we are available for you. We only do this, because, it’s about you. 

So, you’re important to God, you’re important to us.”

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

1914 Trade Zone Blvd.

San Jose, CA 95131

(408) 945-4439

“This is the law, and there is no law superior to it.”


“The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. That’s a real law. It means that it has to be adhered to. It means that it has been established in heaven and cannot be removed from the books. It is irrevocable, it’s solid, it’s living, resurrection power, throughout the realms of the Spirit, what the world refers to as universal law. This is in all realms of existence. This is the law, and there is no law superior to it. So when he says the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death, the earth curse, the curse of ‘Oh, we’re cursed’ No, there’s a new law. It actually is the original law that got brought into existence in our time in this realm where it’s necessary, where it said to the laws of sin and death that you have been superseded and demolished and annihilated, and you have been rendered powerless through the existence and the legal contract that took place between God and Jesus and Holy Spirit by the spilling of blood and the support system of the kingdom of heaven, backing it up, documenting it and filing it for eternity.”

Pastor Lonzine Lee

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

Podcast on Anchor

“God is not livin’ on the streets. God is not sick. God’s not broke. God’s not crazy. God’s not any of the things that people sometimes are.”

“So there’s all these reasons that individuals have. It’s not always simply because the drug thing that got you kicked out into the streets because nobody wants you in their home anymore. Sometimes that’s the reason. There’s a number of reasons why people live in desperate situations or are in circumstances that are less than the will of God for them. But I’m going to tell you this, whatever the situation is, that you’re in, especially if it’s a negative one. That’s not God’s will for your life. It is not God’s will for you, to be homeless, it is not God’s will for you to be sick. It is not God’s will for you to be broken down and broke. It is not God’s will for you to be scrambling around trying to figure out where your next meal is gonna come from. It is not God’s will for you to live anything in your life that is contrary to the way that He created things for you. He says we are His workmanship, He crafted man. The Bible says it in Genesis chapter one and chapter two, God created man, God said I’m creating man in My image. God is not living on the streets. God’s not sick. God’s not broke. God’s not crazy. God is not any of the things that people sometimes are.” Pastor Lonzine Lee, Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship (408) 945-4439


The culture of the kingdom of God

WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! The kingdom of Heaven is truly here. Will you join people tomorrow for the Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop?

It is an amazing workshop. We all learn about the culture of the kingdom of God. The workshop begins on Sunday at 12:45PM EST9:45AM PST. There are many ways to participate, 

In person, by coming to 1914 Trade Zone Blvd. in San Jose, CA

By phone, by calling (415) 464-6800, and entering conference ID 9454439#

Online, by watching the live stream on Periscope. Simply download the Periscope App and enter LoveAstounding in the Search.

Expect good things, because that’s what the kingdom of God is about. 

For questions, please, call (408) 945-4439, or send us an email to 

We are HAPPY people

Happy New Year! and Merry Christmas! 

We are still celebrating Christmas!

As a bonus, please listen to this podcast, because the best gift ever, is Christ in you!

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

SALVATION “My rottenness for Your goodness”


Oh, I thank You this morning, Father. God, You are good, and Your mercies endure forever. The Lord is good,  and great to all people. 

I thank You this morning. I thank You for salvation. 

I thank You for the blood of Jesus. I thank You for grace. I thank You for the free gift, of salvation that You desire for all mankind. Oh how I thank you for this. Thank You. 

You made it so, that when I truly, truly heard; how good You are, how great You are. And truly recognized how rotten I was. As every person is, and that my rottenness, that the price, had been paid for. so that I could exchange my rottenness for your goodness. Because of Your love, You love me so, deeply, so much… 

You, made the way, for me to be like you. 

Oh Father, I thank You. I so Thank You, for Your great love in which You love mankind. Wow 


Changed, life; changed heart, changed everything. Because of Your great love. The price has been paid. Oh, I Thank You. I Thank You that it is an honor, and it is a privilege; to now spend the rest of my natural life and my spiritual life, letting people know how good you are. 

Oh I thank You that today as we, every person on this call, go about doing what it is that we are to do. Going about obeying you. 

That we will have the opportunity, and the privilege, of releasing people from bondage, whether it’s sickness, disease, or, just lostness. That we will have the opportunity to release Your love. 

That every day, That this is what we look for, we actually look for opportunities, to pray. We ask You for opportunities, so that Your will, will be done, and that Your kingdom can come. 

Podcast on Anchor

Happy New Year!!! Wednesday’s 5am Prayer – 1/01/20 (It’s not a resolution It’s a Decree)

“I pray that every person on this call, that every person that is a part of More Than Enough Ministries, Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship, I pray that we all, I pray that the body of Christ, would take what has been said, what has been prayed, what has been decreed, and what has been declared, that they, that we, that each and every one of us will do just what the last prayer spoke. That you will be out of you, and recognize that we have been sent for others. That this is our time to make an impact. That this is, as progressively, each person prayed, each thing was said, that this is for all. That we speak this, that we pray earnestly, and that we go earnestly, and that we share the gospel of the kingdom of God with every person that we come in contact with.”

Podcast on Anchor

What is man?

Podcast on Anchor–mp3-a18fgoe

Transcription is below

You are magnificent! You are magnanimous! You are! 

Oh You are that You are! 

Everything that’s good, Everything that’s great. This is who You are Father. This is who You are Jesus. This is who You are Holy Spirit. 

You’re all knowing, You are all, all of it. 

Oh, I have to get words from You, to describe You, and Your greatness, Your vastness. 

And then You’re so small that You live inside of me. 

You, humbled yourself to live, to come, inside Your creation to show Your creation how powerful it is. 

To show Your creation what it’s capable of. 

Oh WOW. 

And then to offer Your own mind! to be inside of Your creation! so that it could think like you! So that it could operate a kingdom! 

Oh my God! 

What is man that you are so mind full?

That you put Your mind, that You fill their minds, that you are so mindful of them? 

Man is Your creation that You can live in. Man is Your creation, that’s made in Your image and after Your likeness. 

That is to run after You, that is to manifest Your likeness in the Earth. 

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Mankind is to subdue the Earth.

Oh, Oh, Wow! 

Oh as meteorites is headed towards the Earth, only You can change its course. 

All of these things that You have written in Your book. That as we study, as we meditate, as we look into You, it’s so much greater than the little things that we read and quote. The answer to everything is in the Book. 

Spoken by Dr. Bacer J. Baker

Transcribed by

In Him

In Him (transcription and audio) 3 minutes and 54 seconds 

That we will, be manifesting, the purpose of the kingdom of God. 

Not my will, but Your will be done. I bless You, I bless You, I bless You. 

You’re empowered; to obey, you’re empowered, yes, you’re empowered to have the will of God being done in your life. 

You’re empowered to walk in humility, you’re empowered to walk in the submitted life, submitted. 

You’re empowered to let the mind of Christ, the mind of Messiah prosper in you, to let the mind of Christ operate in and through you. 

You are blessed, you are empowered for that. 

You’re empowered to live His will, not your will, but His will be done in your life. You’re empowered for that. 

That your will is His will and His will is your will, and you abide in Him and He abides in you. He lives in you and you live in Him and you live for Him. You’re empowered, you’re blessed with that. 

You’re empowered to prosper in His ways and all of His ways, to acknowledge Him in all of your ways and He is the director of your path. You are blessed for that. 

You’re blessed for every, everything that your flesh, everything that your spirit, everything that your mind, everything that is needed, for God’s will to manifest; for the empowerment of, thinking of these things that are above. 

You walk in the midst of Him. That in Him, you live. In Him, you operate. In Him, you do business, in Him! This is where we are. 

In Him we direct our families. In Him, we feel. In Him are our emotions. In Him are our desires. In Him! 

We live, truly live. We truly move and we truly, be. Have our being. This is where we be, in Him! 

Because we seek first the kingdom, and in Him all the answers, all the answers are Yes, so, you can be it. You, be it! 

In Him is all the safety. 

In Messiah, in Messiah, in Messiah





Podcast on Anchor