Does GOD have the relationship with Me that He wants? Posted byCOMMUNION 2021-11-252021-11-25 Leave a comment on Does GOD have the relationship with Me that He wants? “But when you call it what GOD calls it, then all of a sudden you see it how GOD sees it; and when you start to see things the way GOD sees them, you see that everything is subject to the Name of Jesus” Original Broadcast on Facebook Live Broadcast on YouTube Broadcast on TelegramCOMMUNION Private Channel Podcast on Anchor—Hosted-by-Pastor-Lonzine-Lee—-Does-GOD-have-the-relationship-with-Me-that-He-wants-e1aporm Please send your questions to ContactUs@AstoundingLove.orgOr write: Astounding Love! A Global Church FellowshipP.O. Box 1412, Manteca, CA 95337 Kingdom 101: Relationships. Lesson 1, Session 4 Scriptures. Please download KINGDOM 101The Supernatural Reality Of Heaven On EarthDOMINION UNLIMITED Publications & Productions Astounding Love! A Global Church FellowshipContactUs@AstoundingLove.org 945-4439 To send money, sow seed, give your tithes and offerings: Or use Cash App$AstoundingLove Or use Or use Venmo@AstLove Or Mail Checks and Money Orders to:Astounding Love! A Global Church FellowshipP.O. Box 1412Manteca, CA 95337 #LoveAstounding Thank you Published by COMMUNION Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION. View more posts