The ascension gifts, the offices, the foundational offices of Ephesians 4:11, and, on creation and the temperament
“In other words, He’s saying; I wrote your plan in you… And I built in you, everything that could keep you from failing. I wrote everything in there. I wrote it in the DNA of your temperament, in the DNA of your life. I wrote it inside of you. Even before I placed you in your mother’s womb. I knew the things that were gonna happen in your life to take you to the purpose that I had. Your temperament will help you get to the road, to the place that GOD has for you. And you can go through it with joy.”
5 Temperaments
Sanguine Supine Melancholy Phlegmatic Choleric
If you have temperament questions for Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker Please send an email to Please call (408) 945-4439: Office