“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Apostle Michael Fram – The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 2
“Where we’re here to provoke you to think, about how you think; about the kingdom of GOD, and the word of GOD… ‘The prophetic word is something that’s inspired by the Spirit of GOD, but I control whether or not I yield my members, unto the Holy Spirit and yield, to the unction or the utterance that He gives'”
Original Broadcast on Love & Unity TV Network
Broadcast on YouTube
Broadcast on Telegram
COMMUNION Private Channel
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium
To study, please watch PLAYLIST
The Manifestation Gift of Prophecy vs. The Ministry Gift of Prophet. Part 1 and Part 2
To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker and More Than Enough Ministries
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
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Manteca, CA 95337
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