“Pride… Basically, you know, it isn’t really our accomplishments, and our titles that make us worthy… it’s the fact that we are sons of the Living GOD… Pride is about insecurity… I’m in danger of loss, loss of how people see me, loss of how this is… But if we recognize that we are the righteousness of GOD, that means that we know that we have GOD’s character, we have GOD’s ethics, we have GOD’s integrity, and we have GOD’s humility… Humility only means that I’m willing to obey”
“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology, and her special guest Ron Joelson. The Four-legged Table – Thoughts, Beliefs, Mindsets & Doing – Part 3
To send questions for Apostle Bacer J. Baker and Ron Joelson please send using email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org or visit: https://mteminc.org
Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV https://fb.watch/hxYrly0vfq/
Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/Yjvm1NFz0SQ
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/904
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium
To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org
To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337
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