“Really Telling It Like It Is” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology – You are Prosperity. Part 7
*It’s helping people to change how they think; from where it is that they were born, where it is you came from, the old Adamic nature, your own family, your own color, your own – all of that stuff, and to be translated into the kingdom of GOD. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and in every aspect of your life*
“Unless you do what Christ says to do, unless you do, and move into the kingdom of GOD, you will always be enslaved… Jesus never prayed for a miracle. Jesus never thought that anything He did, was a miracle. He thought, His mind, He said I give you My same mind, He thought that the things that He did were natural. Why? He was in this world, but He was not of it… We are physically in this world for a kingdom of GOD purpose. But we are not of this world, for a kingdom of GOD purpose”
Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/i_eJIpnuVD/
Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/s_YbI8POVLo
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/935
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium
Yesterday’s broadcast… “Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with Special Guest Apostle Marshall McGee – You are Prosperity… Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/iYT18NzyfE/
Epoch Times article about Angela Davis – she discovers one of her white ancestors arrived on the Mayflower https://www.theepochtimes.com/former-black-panther-discovers-one-of-her-white-ancestors-arrived-on-the-mayflower_5081388.html
To learn about Love & Unity https://www.love-unity.org
To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
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