Jesus said the kingdom of GOD is within you. Everything that you need is in the kingdom and the kingdom is now in you… The unregenerate mind needs to come into the image of the Son, needs to come into identity, of my origin, and where GOD created me from Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26
The image is to look like GOD. His likeness is to carry His character and act like GOD
Adam looked like GOD and He act like GOD and He talked like GOD
Transformation looks like offering yourself a sacrifice unto GOD, and then when you begin to read the Word, transformation becomes, comes through, He says, Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds
Righteousness is the dynamic that brings transformation and change.
That’s why the Bible says,
Seek ye first the kingdom, and His righteousness; Because the kingdom is the perfect place, and the righteousness allows you to change into the perfect place
GOD spoke through Prophet Andrew Gonzalez during the Love & Unity Convergence in Lafayette, Louisiana