“We are on the inside of Him”

“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her friend Apostle Marshall McGee “Revelation of Christ in us and us in Him”

“In you I live, In you I move, and in you I have My being – Revelation of Christ in us and us in Him, that’s changing us into true Overcomers in this Earth realm”

Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/k6JjEkj4Hu/

Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/nfmMsAaAwu8
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/962

Podcast on Anchor

Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium

“THE SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD…In You” Apostle Bacer J. Baker’s New Book is available for purchase now… To purchase a signed copy, you must purchase directly from Apostle Baker via: ZELLE… Using Phone# (408) 568-7932 or email address: Tellit2docb@comcast.net

Signed copies of the book cost $20 which includes Shipping and Handling

“The Spirit of The Fear of The Lord…In You” by Dr. Bacer J. Baker (Author) is also available through Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Fear-Lord-You-ebook/dp/B0BZL7G49C/

To order your copy of Smile, Laugh, and Be Happy:
The Culture of God’s Kingdom Is The King’s Will For You
Paperback by Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker (Author), Lonzine Lee (Contributor)

When you buy these books using AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the price will go to More Than Enough Ministries. To do so, go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and select More Than Enough Ministries Inc as your Charity.

To contact Apostle Dr. Marshall McGee ApostleMarshall12@Gmail.com
Again, please send Happy Birthday to Apostle Dr. Marshall McGee ApostleMarshall12@Gmail.com

To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! 
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
Call: (408) 945-4439: O
Or Write: P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

To Give.

Online https://mteminc.org/index.php/online-donations/
With Zelle Offerings@MTEMinc.org
With Cash App $MtemincOfferings

By Mail
Send Checks and Money Orders to:
More Than Enough Ministries
P.O. Box 4400
Manteca, CA 95337

We thank you

Published by COMMUNION

Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION.

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