“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology – Click Brain. Part 2
“Your brain is a superpower… I get to operate out of the manual that created everything! Everything! He knows everything! So there’s nothing impossible for me to learn… Your brain is your superpower… You are a superpower yourself, if you’re born from above, you’re a really super, super power. Why is that? Because the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the One that lives on-the-inside-of- You!”
Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/mTl_s4cxSY/
Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/f1ev82JWqMw
Broadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/1026
Podcast. COMMUNION On Podium
To watch last week’s broadcast:
“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology – Click Brain
Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/dini88piUMs
To learn more please send an email to DRBCLICKBRAIN@GMAIL.COM
To contact Apostle Bacer J. Baker
More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love!
A Global Church Fellowship and Training Center
Email: ContactUs@MTEMinc.org
Website: https://mteminc.org
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