“The only thing we don’t have dominion over is another human being.”

Dr. Bacer J. Baker

Just listen.

If I changed the culture of the poor. If I changed the culture of Haiti. I’m talkin’ about nations now.

If I changed the culture of Mexico. If I changed the culture of Africa. If I changed the culture of Italy.

If I changed the culture of Greece. If I changed the culture of Scandinavia.

If I changed the culture of Sweden, into a culture of the kingdom.

Do you think? If I changed the culture of Malaysia. If I changed the culture of China, or Japan.

Do you think we would be having all of this slave trafficking?

If I changed the culture.

What is it all about?

It’s all about money and control.

You see, this is why you got to go back to the book of Genesis.

First thing, He made us last, so that we will have dominion over everything.

He did everything and then he made us last so we’d have dominion over every thing.

The only thing we don’t have dominion over is another human being.

Listen on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/If-I-changed-the-culture-e9hsqs

Published by COMMUNION

Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION.

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