

My name is Frederick Johnson. I serve as a principal in COMMUNION. This week has been a challenging week for me. Ever since watching the Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker, I have been asking myself, am I sincere? Or am I a liar?

Searching my soul, really began on Sunday, while watching Minister Durie Foster, Jr. share a story that happened to him some 20 years ago. He told us that he looked in the mirror and asked himself “Do you like yourself?”

At that time, he wept. My brother wept. I have wept too; often in my life. After the broadcast, I took a moment to look in the mirror and ask myself the same question, “Do you like yourself?”

I’ve done it more than once, the question is still providing answers. On Tuesday, my mother did a television show. It challenged me. It challenged everyone who was watching. During the Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker, she asked us, to ask ourselves,

What do I really feel?
Do I really have genuine emotions?
Do I really feel anything, for anybody?
Do I really feel anything for me?

It is well worth our lives to watch this show. More than once. Truly. I’m still watching it. Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, this is a broadcast is for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.

“Do I have genuine emotions?”

On Periscope

On YouTube

On Twitter

Then on Wednesday night, my sister opened me up even more. She spoke and taught, during her class; Kingdom 202. One statement that is very important, “Obedience is winning” This is one example of the many truths that you will hear, should you decide to tune in

On Periscope

On Anchor

Why this long post?

Because many people are suffering, and I along with many other people in this neighborhood have a relationship with the True and Living God, who is the ONLY One who can stop misery.

He chose, and chooses to display His love, through people like you and me. When we experience His love, we experience His majesty.

God loves us, which is why I am inviting you to prepare, by watching any of the above; and then attend the Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop this Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST

Dr. Baker said something so wonderful in the close of her show:

“Whatever it is that we can do, here at this ministry, we are available for you. We only do this, because, it’s about you. So, you’re important to God, you’re important to us.”

More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship
1914 Trade Zone Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 945-4439

As we close the week, as people, I’m asking all of us to participate in this Sunday’s Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop.

I hope this helps someone.

We all learn about the culture of the kingdom of God. The workshop begins on Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST.
There are many ways to participate,

  • In person, by coming to 1914 Trade Zone Blvd. in San Jose, CA
  • By phone, by calling (415) 464-6800, and entering conference ID 9454439#
  • Online, by watching the live stream on Periscope. Simply download the Periscope App and enter LoveAstounding in the Search.

For questions, please, call (408) 945-4439, or send us an email to

Published by COMMUNION

Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION.

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