Dr. Baker definitely provokes you to think. She said something last night, it is a call to action for all of us.

“And one of the things that’s in the Declaration of Independence, it says, that, this is self evident, self evident that we’re all created. That’s the part that I’m talking… It’s self evident that you’re created. 

To deny your creation, to deny that you were thought about, to deny, that; there had to be someone, who thought about you, and who created you, is nothing more than blindness.

And so, I would like, for all of us; to really take, what’s going on in our lives right now… 

You are your brother’s keeper. And what’s going on with all of these other people, what’s going on in the world, it does, it does affect you. Because what happens to others affects us… How is that? 

There was that person that I was meant to minister to, there was that person that I was meant to help, but I was so in me, and how it is that I do things, that I forgot about how God does things.” – Dr. Bacer J. Baker

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker (Really Telling It Like It Is)

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More Than Enough Ministries
(408) 945-4439

Thank you

Published by COMMUNION

Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION.

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