“Made in the Image and Likeness of God.”

When they see us, they’re supposed to see God. In the church, there’s as much bigotry and prejudice. I don’t use the word racism. Because I really believe, that words are important.

And I believe that there is one race, and that’s the human race.

Until we recognize that, and until our hearts are in this place; where we realize that we’re made in the image and in the likeness of God.

Everything that you ever needed, it was given to you by God. When God created you, He created you to have liberty. He created you to be free. He created you to pursue the things that He had put in your heart.

He created you to fulfill the purpose that He had for you.
You and I have been stamped. You and I have been filled. You and I have been given a promise from God.

He says, I have given you My likeness, I have given you My imagery, I have given you, Me. And if you accept Me, then, when you accept Me, your heart is circumcised, and your heart is circumcised unto Me.

So every person is valuable. No one is invaluable. No one is lesser than anyone else. No one.

“I know who I am. I know whose image I carry. I know how valuable I am. I know how special I am. I’m special to me. I care about me. I know who me is.”

“We’re waiting for someone else to give us our identity and God has already given it.”

Your identity is in Him
– Your identity is not in your culture.
– Your identity is not in your marriage.
– Your identity is not in your body.
– Your identity is not in your bank account.

“The only identity that’s gonna end up mattering is your relationship and your identity in Jesus Christ.” Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker

On Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tuesday-night-chat-dr-b-baker-really-telling-it-like/id1454163982?i=1000478288053

On Anchor 


More Than Enough Ministries https://mteminc.org/
Call Us (408) 945-4439

Published by COMMUNION

Frederick is one of four principals in COMMUNION.

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