This is your invitation!

My name is Frederick Johnson. I serve as a principal in COMMUNION. I am also a part of More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship based in San Jose, CA

On Sunday there is an amazing workshop called The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop. You are invited!

The Workshop begins at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST. We all learn about the culture of the kingdom of God. Children, Adults, EVERYONE is welcome, because we all need Jesus.

Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST

Call the Conference Center (415) 464-6800 enter Conference ID 9454439#

Watch the live broadcast Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST

Go to Search for LoveAstounding

Download the Periscope App Go to LoveAstounding

Come to More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship located at 1914 Trade Zone Blvd., San Jose, CA 95131

One God.

One Message.

Two websites: 

More Than Enough Ministries. Our Vision “To see the complete destruction of fear, bondage, pride, prejudice and the awakening of hunger for righteousness and Biblical holiness in the obedient Body of Christ.”

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship. Vision and Mission “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV

“And the Lord answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

Astounding Love! is abounding in the earth. It is our vision and mission not only to see, but to be God’s manifested vision of love, faith, power and holiness working through us His people, The Church. We daily manifest His glory, healing, prosperity and deliverance to all that we come in contact with in order to change lives for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God; and in the process we ourselves are changed and truly become His Astounding Love!

“Because your life matters, and so does your eternity.”

Hi Reader,

Come to The Biblical Solutions For Workshop, where we learn about the culture of the kingdom of God.

Beginning Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST.

Call (415) 464-6800. Enter Conference ID 9454439#

Watch online

Go to

Enter LoveAstounding

On your mobile phone, Download Periscope or Download Twitter. Search for LoveAstounding

As Pastor Lonzine said,

“You don’t have the time that you think you do. You are loved, with an astounding, everlasting love. Come into the kingdom, because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.”

“Because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.”

“You don’t have the time that you think you do. You are loved, with an astounding, everlasting love. Come into the kingdom, because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.” Pastor Lonzine L. Lee

Pastor Lonzine Lee and Connie Jimenez

Watch Kingdom 202 or listen to the Podcast

On Twitter

On Podcast

On Periscope

Two websites. One Message. One God.

More Than Enough Ministries

Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship

One phone number (408) 945-4439

“More Than Enough Astounding Love!”

Only God could give this headline. Yesterday he launched two new websites. Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker oversees More Than Enough Ministries and her daughter Pastor Lonzine Lee oversees Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship.

Two websites. One message. One God. Many lives.


Get what’s yours.

Good Morning Neighbors,

Today, the 9th, at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST gifts are gonna be given. First, please listen to this 1 minute and 52 second Podcast called “Before” on Apple Podcasts.

Then call in to The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop
The Free Conference Call Number is (415) 464-6800
Enter Conference ID 9454439#

Or watch online using Periscope
Download the App and look for LoveAstounding

Or go to
and Enter LoveAstounding

Better yet – Travel to San Jose, CA
Go to 1914 Trade Zone Blvd., San Jose, CA 95131
and experience More Than Enough Ministries and
Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship
(408) 945-4439: Main

Get what’s yours.

“EVERY PERSON IS IMPORTANT” Spoken by Dr. Bacer J. Baker

You are invited to attend The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop on Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST. We all are learning about the culture of the kingdom of God.

Call (415) 464-6800; enter Conference ID 9454439#

Watch online via Periscope.
Search for LoveAstounding.

Come to More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship, 1914 Trade Zone Blvd., San Jose, CA