“How do you not fear dying?”

Please watch, or listen to this wonderful episode of Kingdom 202 School of Prophetic & Supernatural Ministry. Pastor Lonzine Lee answers a teenage girl’s powerful question. Podcast on Anchorhttps://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-202-How-do-you-not-fear-dying-egggvh Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship https://astoundinglove.org/ ContactUs@AstoundingLove.orgCall Us (408) 945-4439

“Everybody needs to repent.”

“But everybody needs to repent. Because we have to keep changing your thoughts, taking them out of alignment with the world, and with the expressions, and conversations, that you’re so trained by life without Christ Jesus, and without the kingdom.” – Pastor Lonzine Lee Please watch or listen Kingdom 202 School of Prophetic & Supernatural …


This was spoken last night by Pastor Lonzine Lee; Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship https://astoundinglove.org/ THE LEGAL TRANSACTION The legal transaction of my receiving Jesus Christ. The legal transaction that was between heaven; in heaven that was accepted from the earth, of Jesus dying on the cross, of Jesus taking on all the sins …

“The only truth is God. There is no other source of truth.”

Last night I watched a television show and heard these words, “The only truth is God. There is no other source of truth.” This has changed my direction. I watched the rest of the show and I am glad that I did. Please take a moment to watch or listen to this show, today or …

Kingdom 202: School of Prophetic & Supernatural Ministry

Good Morning, Please watch or listen to last night’s broadcast of Kingdom 202: School of Prophetic & Supernatural Ministry. On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1gqGvEZkrEgKB?q=LoveAstounding On YouTube https://youtu.be/E3W0V8EsRYI On Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-202-School-of-Prophetic–Supernatural-Ministry-ebuqv7 Thank You

“Because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.”

“You don’t have the time that you think you do. You are loved, with an astounding, everlasting love. Come into the kingdom, because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.” Pastor Lonzine L. Lee Watch Kingdom 202 or listen to the Podcast On Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1227784129627840512?s=20 On Podcast https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-202-eaqdri On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1MnxnQVoLgBJO?q=LoveAstounding Two websites. One …

The Cardoway and Kemp Show – “Being Transparent”

Good Mornin’, What a pleasant way to enjoy today. When you have a moment, please tune in to last night’s conversation. Kingdom 202 – The Cardoway and Kemp Show with Diana and Christal, being transparent. Watch it on Periscopehttps://www.periscope.tv/w/1YqxodlPgVyKv?q=LoveAstounding Or listen on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-202—The-Cardoway-and-Kemp-Show-Being-Transparent-eac50s