“Every thought.”

Yesterday, Pastor Lonzine Lee taught us a lesson. You, me and others can watch it as a video, or listen to it as a podcast. The topic is every thought. 
The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop.

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“If I lose everything.”

“If I lose everybody.”

“I’m gonna do what You say.”

– Dr. Baker to God

Please watch today’s replay of The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop

On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1gqxvgRdpoaKB?q=LoveAstounding

On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9PyvGv8RSo&t=56s

On Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1188527265086205952?s=20

Dr. Bacer J. Baker

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker “Pick One Thing”

Good evening,

Dr. Baker challenged us last night. She asked all of us to:

Pick One Thing

This is something that I must achieve.

I must complete it.

Watch the Replay

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Podcast on Anchor


Thank you

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Then Pilate entered the Praetorium again, called Jesus, and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered him, “Are you speaking for yourself about this, or did others tell you this concerning Me?”

Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered You to me. What have You done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”

Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

John 18:33-37 NKJV https://my.bible.com/bible/114/JHN.18.33-37

“This is how valuable you are.”

What do you mean he gave his only begotten son? 

Do you know what? 

God so loves you, that Jesus was beaten to a bloody pulp and would not give you up. 

They beat him. They made fun of him, they stripped him. You think that he was up there on some kind of loincloth when they beat him. They beat every part of him when they took all of his skin off. The Bible says he was, but he was holding on to you. 

He was saying if I don’t do this they never can get to God. This is how important you are. 

This is why you know that by his stripe, you have been whole, you have been healed. He says I was stripped for you. 

Because that’s how valuable you are to me. They were trying to beat you and me out of him. 

They were trying to beat him so that you and I would never be with Him.

This was all for you. This was all for me. This was for us. 

When you let people know He did this for you. His love is greater than any love. His love is deeper than any depth. 

This is how valuable you are. 

So, You think I have not healed you?

You think, I have not provided for you? You think, that I have not done everything that needs to be done for you?! 

You think I’ve left you in a curse? 

I was cursed. 

So that you never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, and ever again. Need to walk in any kind of a curse.

Dr. Baker

Listen to the Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/This-is-how-valuable-you-are-e6cs85

Watch the video excerpt on YouTube https://youtu.be/mHycib646Mg

“This is what Hitler did.”

Excerpt from last Tuesday’s, Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker. Here is a transcription…

What I’m what I’m saying is this, you can’t have one law for this, and one law for this. This is what Hitler did. Do you understand?

And what he did was this, it was insidious. He brought in all of these people, he had it so that he had it he, when he wanted to, to destroy everyone that was born with any kind of a defect.

He went to the doctors and the nurses and he says, for the records, this is what he sent out. We need all the information on anyone that was born with a defect, so that we can treat them properly.

Okay, he found all that, even though he had been messing with homosexuality and all that kind of stuff. He found all of those that were in that.

All right, he found all of these that, all of these voices that he had used, and then he destroyed them.

He opened the doors for those from Poland and those different places to come in. Okay. And then what happened is he destroyed them. He slaughtered them, he had them slaughtered.

If you don’t understand what’s going on, and why it’s going on.

All of these things that are coming forth. All of these, open borders, all of these things. It is to destroy the people.

That’s the way the devil works.

It’s demonic. Do you understand?

It is demonic. It is not about caring about you, the devil don’t care about you, all he wants you to do is to die.

And this is a spiritual battle that’s being played out in the physical realm.

“I Want People To Think”

During last night’s, Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker, a question was asked, What is one action step that you would like viewers of this show to do?

Dr. Baker answered, “I want people to think.”

When you have a moment, please watch the Replay or listen to the Podcast.

On Periscope

On YouTube

Podcast on Anchor


Thank you 

“I want people to think”