“God is not livin’ on the streets. God is not sick. God’s not broke. God’s not crazy. God’s not any of the things that people sometimes are.”

“So there’s all these reasons that individuals have. It’s not always simply because the drug thing that got you kicked out into the streets because nobody wants you in their home anymore. Sometimes that’s the reason. There’s a number of reasons why people live in desperate situations or are in circumstances that are less than …

The culture of the kingdom of God

WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! The kingdom of Heaven is truly here. Will you join people tomorrow for the Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop? It is an amazing workshop. We all learn about the culture of the kingdom of God. The workshop begins on Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST. There are many ways to participate,  In person, by coming to 1914 …

Happy New Year!!! Wednesday’s 5am Prayer – 1/01/20 (It’s not a resolution It’s a Decree)

“I pray that every person on this call, that every person that is a part of More Than Enough Ministries, Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship, I pray that we all, I pray that the body of Christ, would take what has been said, what has been prayed, what has been decreed, and what has …

The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop. Sunday 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST

“I didn’t call you to be any eloquent preacher and speaker. I just cause you to get up and just say it the way you do it. And when you say it the way I tell you to say it and do it the way I tell you to do it; there will be My …


“THE BEST CHRISTMAS STORY EVER… because it was written by the best writer ever. Forever.” Read by Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church FellowshipDownload the PDF The Christmas Story Listen to the Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/THE-BEST-CHRISTMAS-STORY-EVER-e9ohbl Listen on Apple Podcastshttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-best-christmas-story-ever/id1454163982?i=1000460581652 ContactUs@AstoundingLove.org(408) 945-4439: MainMERRY CHRISTMAS 

“You can be the you, you were created to be.”

Sometimes you hear a message that EVERYBODY must hear. My sister Lonzine has a television show. This particular show, she broadcast on Wednesday. Her television show was wonderful. Will you please watch it? She is a pastor. Lonzine was teaching us, and, she was also learning, about the word “story.” There was a moment where …

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker “DIRECT COMMUNICATION”

That’s why the Bible says, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.” On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1BdxYeQjeyExX?q=LoveAstounding On Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker-DIRECT-COMMUNICATION-e9jjer On YouTube https://youtu.be/oLdZyKiBT_M On Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1207126472856457216?s=20 To give into this great work, please go to https://astoundinglove.org/medias/online-donations ContactUs@AstoundingLove.org (408) 945-4439 THANK YOU

“Criticizing without Knowledge is Dangerous”

“Criticizing without knowledge is dangerous. If you don’t know all the ins and all the outs, if you don’t know what this person knows, how can I How can I tell you what to do unless I know what it is that you’re truly facing. Oh Father, I thank you. I thank you for, for, …

“The only thing we don’t have dominion over is another human being.”

Just listen. If I changed the culture of the poor. If I changed the culture of Haiti. I’m talkin’ about nations now. If I changed the culture of Mexico. If I changed the culture of Africa. If I changed the culture of Italy. If I changed the culture of Greece. If I changed the culture …

Listen. Watch. And Learn

First, will you please take a moment and listen to the broadcast of Tuesday’s Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker? It’s available on Podcast https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker-The-Word-e9fp2n/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker–The-Word-a15aeug Second, will you please watch this Wednesday’s broadcast of Kingdom 101: School of Prophetic & Supernatural Ministry “Thank You For Loving Us” On YouTube On Periscope https://www.pscp.tv/w/cMPEhDFXTEVSQUdYbnBPamJ8MXlvS016RVh6cW9HUY5qc0aOYkfy8PRjY1oFcM2uNprct42i0vrVI0rHO5B7 On Twitter …