“Do you live, knowing, you are loved by God?”

Hi, my name is Frederick Johnson. I serve as one of the principals in COMMUNION. This week, my sister, who serves as Pastor of Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship asked a very powerful question during her television show. “Do you live, knowing, you are loved by God?” I have been pondering this question, and …

Biblical Solutions For Life. Session 1 “The Kingdom Resurrection Life” 2020.04.12

Please listen to the Podcast https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Biblical-Solutions-For-Life–Session-1-ecn3qm Taught by Pastor Lonzine Lee Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship ContactUs@AstoundingLove.org https://astoundinglove.org/ (408) 945-4439: Main

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker (Really Telling It Like It Is)

Please watch or listen to last night’s Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker (Really Telling It Like It Is) On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1nAJEdkzdnXGL?q=LoveAstounding On YouTube https://youtu.be/Ibvj5OqH3lE On Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Tuesday-Night-Chat-with-Dr–B–Baker-Really-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-ebtb9v To learn more, please visit More Than Enough Ministries https://mteminc.org/ and please visit Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship https://astoundinglove.org/ To give; tithes, or other offerings, …

This is your invitation!

My name is Frederick Johnson. I serve as a principal in COMMUNION. I am also a part of More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship based in San Jose, CA On Sunday there is an amazing workshop called The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop. You are invited! The Workshop begins at 12:45PM …

“Because your life matters, and so does your eternity.”

Hi Reader, Come to The Biblical Solutions For Workshop, where we learn about the culture of the kingdom of God. Beginning Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST. Call (415) 464-6800. Enter Conference ID 9454439# Watch online Go to https://www.periscope.tv/ Enter LoveAstounding On your mobile phone, Download Periscope or Download Twitter. Search for LoveAstounding As Pastor …

“Because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.”

“You don’t have the time that you think you do. You are loved, with an astounding, everlasting love. Come into the kingdom, because, your life matters. And so does your eternity.” Pastor Lonzine L. Lee Watch Kingdom 202 or listen to the Podcast On Twitter https://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1227784129627840512?s=20 On Podcast https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-202-eaqdri On Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/1MnxnQVoLgBJO?q=LoveAstounding Two websites. One …

“More Than Enough Astounding Love!”

Only God could give this headline. Yesterday he launched two new websites. Apostle Dr. Bacer J. Baker oversees More Than Enough Ministries and her daughter Pastor Lonzine Lee oversees Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship. Two websites. One message. One God. Many lives. ENJOY https://mteminc.org/ https://astoundinglove.org/