Get what’s yours.

Good Morning Neighbors, Today, the 9th, at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST gifts are gonna be given. First, please listen to this 1 minute and 52 second Podcast called “Before” on Apple Podcasts. Then call in to The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop The Free Conference Call Number is (415) 464-6800 Enter Conference ID 9454439# …

“EVERY PERSON IS IMPORTANT” Spoken by Dr. Bacer J. Baker

You are invited to attend The Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop on Sunday at 12:45PM EST/ 9:45AM PST. We all are learning about the culture of the kingdom of God. Call (415) 464-6800; enter Conference ID 9454439# Watch online via Periscope. Search for LoveAstounding. Come to More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Global …

“I just agree with the Bible.”

“I just agree with the Bible… If the Bible is my only base, it is my absolute.” “Whatever is not founded on an absolute, is moveable.” Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker “I just agree with the Bible” On Periscope On YouTube On Twitter On Anchor–B–Baker-I-just-agree-with-the-Bible-ea6i4r

“Faith or Un-Faith”

Dr. Bacer J. Baker spoke this truth, yesterday, over and over, again. COMMUNION suggests watching or listening to both Session 1 and Session 2 of the Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop. Biblical Solutions For Life Workshop Session 1 – “LORD GOD ALMIGHTY” Taught by Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship “Examine …

“This is the law, and there is no law superior to it.”

THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. That’s a real law. It means that it has to be adhered to. It means that it has been established in heaven and cannot be removed from the books. It is irrevocable, it’s solid, it’s …