“Now is the time.”

Pastor Lonzine Lee Kingdom Conversations – Hosted by Pastor Lonzine Lee “The vision has to be clear. How does the vision become clear? You keep saying what God said. And you pray in tongues” Broadcast on Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/c2a127a2-100a-44e5-bdd7-d67fd6298eb5 Podcast on Anchor https://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-Conversations—Hosted-by-Pastor-Lonzine-Lee-Now-is-the-time-ejdjfu Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship ContactUs@AstoundingLove.org https://astoundinglove.org/ #LoveAstounding (408) 945-4439 Order your …


“We are imperfect vessels in the flesh, but in the Spirit, we are unstoppable; which makes us unstoppable in the Earth.” This was spoken by Pastor Lonzine Lee of Astounding Love! A Global Church Fellowship. Hear why on Kingdom 101 On YouTube https://youtu.be/X_vnNEYRnfk On Periscope  https://www.pscp.tv/w/cLifxjFXTEVSQUdYbnBPamJ8MUJSSmpxWGtvWlFHd0tdoN9aISsQ4FzxaLXtJNcpPnJ1Tiu0o-9UpaM82nFA On Twitter https://twitter.com/loveastounding/status/1202417959760609280?s=21 Podcast on Apple Podcasts  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/communion/id1454163982#episodeGuid=51442ff3-5d36-2164-91d9-b6bf0cd4187e Podcast on …

“Prayer is an accurate legal term.”

See what I’m saying? And even our prayers, then you understand because isn’t prayer a legal term? Isn’t that something that you use in the courts? Yes. Can you explain that to us? A prayer is one way to ask for something to petition the court. Your prayer is, it’s not used commonly now, but …

Kingdom 101. Thursday Edition “The value that has been placed on your life is the blood of Jesus.”

My sister’s show has me in AWE. Please watch the replay, or listen to the Podcast… Thank you On Periscopehttps://www.pscp.tv/w/cEse0TFXTEVSQUdYbnBPamJ8MWVhSmJBTXZvT3ZHWMbzpDJyKKDhq8b1X4KCp96sR4DYxKLMoe5FG6GMMFhT?t=2s On YouTubehttps://youtu.be/Bfdk1MzWqBM On Twitterhttps://twitter.com/LoveAstounding/status/1172322813417406464?s=09 Podcast on Anchorhttps://anchor.fm/COMMUNION5779/episodes/Kingdom-101–Thursday-Edition-The-value-that-has-been-placed-on-your-life-is-the-blood-of-Jesus-e5bumi #EverybodyMattersToGod#LoveAstounding#Kingdom101