“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology – WISDOM “We are to be skillful in the things that we do… We are to act wisely… Where is the power of the culture of the KINGDOM operating in my life? Do I make a difference? Is …
Author Archives: COMMUNION
“The kingdom of GOD invades everything”
“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her co-host Apostle Marshall McGee – KINGDOM Realities “THE KINGDOM is on the inside of us…GOD’s government is about a relationship between us and Our Heavenly Father where we lovingly submit to Him… The Gospel of …
“When was the last time we asked GOD, asked the Spirit of Wisdom, to be skillful in us?”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology and her guest Apostle Marshall McGee – WISDOM Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV https://fb.watch/m1ip6Tn7vT/Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/ksMMWO6t07MBroadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/1008 Podcast on Anchorhttps://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/communion5779/episodes/Still-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-Apostle-Bacer-J–Baker-and-her-guest-Apostle-Marshall-McGee—WISDOM-e27ds73 Podcast. COMMUNION On Podiumhttps://communion.onpodium.co/episodes/still-telling-it-like-it-is-apostle-bacer-j-baker-and-her-guest-apostle-marshall-mcgee-wisdom-621 Kingdom 1st TV is a new 24 …
“He’s done everything He’s ever going to do”
“Really Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology and her guest Apostle Marshall McGee “He’s done everything He’s ever going to do… If GOD has already done everything through Christ, what else is He gonna do?” Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/l-_0xNvNKC/ Broadcast on …
Continue reading ““He’s done everything He’s ever going to do””
“THE KINGDOM is already here”
“Grace enables us to move with the Spirit of GOD, when we don’t move, it frustrates that grace… GOD is speaking corporately… Do you know you can grieve the Holy Ghost? When are we going to get it, as a Body? GOD wants to get you from what was in order to bring you into …
“Our identity in Christ. What else is there?”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology and her guest Apostle Marshall McGee “We’re supposed to forget who it was that we were, so that we can move into who it is that we are… Because of transfiguration, we begin to shine… Literally produce the …
Continue reading ““Our identity in Christ. What else is there?””
“GOD’s way of doing things”
“Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way” Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her co-host Apostle Marshall McGee – THE RESET in Creation A simple definition of KINGDOM, “GOD’s way of doing things” Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV Network https://fb.watch/lRodVln5x0/Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/slwuzb9_DpwBroadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel …
“All love is not equal. All love is not the same. The love that GOD has for us. The love that GOD has for people period, is that GOD will not allow pure love to operate in the same realm that evil operates in.”
“Still Telling It Like It Is” with Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology – LOVE Original Broadcast on Kingdom 1st TV https://fb.watch/lKR5J5VN4-/Broadcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/73XofUktECUBroadcast on Telegram. COMMUNION Private Channel https://t.me/c/1129066154/1002 Podcast on Anchorhttps://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/communion5779/episodes/Still-Telling-It-Like-It-Is-with-Apostle-Bacer-J–Baker-who-is-a-Doctor-in-Psychology—LOVE-e26shit Podcast. COMMUNION On Podiumhttps://communion.onpodium.co/episodes/still-telling-it-like-it-is-with-apostle-bacer-j-baker-who-is-a-doctor-in-psychology-love-876 Kingdom 1st TV is a new 24 hour a day, 7 day a …
“The kingdom of GOD is the governing power, the governing influence, of The Sovereign, of THE KING, and THE KINGDOM over a territory. The governing influence of a king and a kingdom over a territory, impacting it with His will and purpose… He says, you are not your own. I bought you with a price” …
“Corporate Dominion, where we move as one man. We literally move as one man, as one entity, and whatever we set our hearts to do, ’cause we’re in such agreement, we’re touching right in such a way, that whatever we set our hearts and minds to do, it will be accomplished” Kingdom Conversations with Lonzine …